Hi all,
Just thought I'd share this information.
I have spent yesterday afternoon trying to install Microsoft Office 2019 using the Office Deployment Tool.
I built the XML install configuration file using the online Office Customization Tool: https://config.office.com/deploymentsettings
Used the normal CMD command to download it (step 1): setup.exe /download configuration.xml
After the download had finished I used the install command as usual (step 2): setup.exe /configure configuration.xml
I put the correct source path in the XML file (sometimes this causes problems if the path is incorrect and I have found sometimes removing it helps too but I left it in for both steps this time).
Unfortunately I received the following error message every time I tried to install Microsoft Office (step 2):
We found a problem! We're sorry, we can't continue because we weren't able to download a required file. Please make sure you're connected to the internet or connect to a different network, then try again.
This was a bit odd as the install files had already downloaded in step 1. Or had they...?
So it turns out after looking at the log files in %temp% that during step 2, the installer was looking for a cab file that just wasn't in the downloaded files from step 1.
After hours spent searching for the problem, in the XML file I changed Language ID from en-gb to en-us (from Great Britain to US).
I tried to download office again (step 1) and it worked! I had more cab files. I then proceeded with the install (step 2) and it worked perfectly.